The Road to Recovery: Post-Op Care for Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction

Tools used for Lapiplasty

Bunions can be a painful and frustrating foot condition. If you've recently undergone a Lapiplasty Bunion 3D Correction, congratulations on taking the first step toward a pain-free, more comfortable future! As you embark on your journey to recovery, it's important to know what to expect and how to care for your feet after the surgery. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the typical post-operative care for a Lapiplasty Bunion correction.


**1. Rest and Elevation:**
   After your surgery, it's essential to keep your foot elevated as much as possible, especially during the first few days. Elevation helps reduce swelling and promotes healing. When resting, keep your foot above the level of your heart. A few pillows under your foot can be very helpful.
**2. Pain Management:**
   Pain and discomfort are common after surgery. Your surgeon will prescribe pain medications. Take them as directed to manage your pain effectively. As you recover, you can gradually reduce the use of these medications under your doctor's guidance.
**3. Dressings and Splint:**
   Your surgical site will be dressed with sterile bandages and a splint to protect and support your foot. It's crucial to keep these dressings dry and intact. Follow your doctor's instructions for when and how to change them.
**4. Non-Weight Bearing:**
   In the initial weeks following the Lapiplasty 3D Bunion Correction, you'll need to avoid putting weight on the operated foot. Crutches or a knee scooter can help you move around while keeping your weight off the surgical site.
**5. Gentle Exercises:**
   Your surgeon may recommend some gentle range-of-motion exercises to maintain flexibility in your toes and prevent stiffness. Follow these exercises as instructed, but avoid any strenuous or weight-bearing activities.
**6. Follow-Up Appointments:**
   Your surgeon will schedule several follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. It's crucial to attend all these appointments to ensure that your foot is healing as expected. Your surgeon will remove sutures and check for any signs of complications.
**7. Gradual Weight-Bearing:**
   Once your surgeon gives you the green light, you can begin to gradually put weight on your foot. This will be done in stages and typically involves transitioning from crutches to a walking boot.
**8. Rehabilitation:**
   In some cases, physical therapy may be recommended to help you regain strength and range of motion in your foot. These exercises are tailored to your specific needs and recovery progress.
**9. Patience and Time:**
   Remember, healing takes time. The complete recovery process can vary from person to person, but be patient and allow your body to heal at its own pace. Your surgeon will guide you throughout this journey.
**10. Footwear:**
    Once your surgeon gives the green light, you'll be able to transition into more supportive and comfortable shoes. Ensure that your footwear provides good arch support and fits properly to prevent future foot problems.
Recovery from a Lapiplasty Bunionectomy is a step-by-step process. The key to a successful recovery is to follow your podiatrist's instructions closely and be patient. In time, you'll be back on your feet, enjoying the freedom from bunion pain and discomfort. Your future is looking bright, and this post-op care will help you get there. Stay positive and stay committed to your recovery journey!
Dr. David Kaplansky Podiatrist

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Dr Kaplansky has performed 200 Lapiplasty 3D corrective surgeries.